Friday, March 25, 2011

My First Moleskine

I purchased a Moleskine journal/notebook and I am a little indimidated by it.  It is a beautiful thing, so beautiful I am afraid to write in it for fear of messing it up.

There is something about this paper which reminds me of old books and I can't help but wonder if, in 50 years or more, someone might stumble upon it and wonder about the girl who scribbled upon it's pages.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Gentle and kind words are escaping me tonight.  Harsh, angry words are all that pours from my fingertips.  Occasionally, silence is best.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello New Project!

I have been head over heels in love with my previous project, which I'm about to be editing, and my current project, which is an extension of the first.  Perhaps my love for those projects is why I am so confused as to why I have made the decision to put the second one on hold for a little bit.  Surprisingly, it was an easy decision to make.  This is a first.

Last night, as I was about to drift off to sleep, an idea for a story struck me so hard I laid in bed and laughed over it for an hour.  It's true, I do amuse myself, but I think I accidentally thought up something really good this time.  There is a feeling in my gut telling me it is worth my time to pause the other project and work on this a while.

So...for the moment, goodbye romance and hello belly laughs!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekend Writing

Friday, Saturday and Sunday went by in a blur of loud music, stage lights and impossibly fast costume changes.  Yes, it was yet another dance competition and our last one for two months.  Despite the hectic schedule and my sleep deprived giggle-fits, I managed to write a little.

Some of my most brilliant phrases of the weekend were scribbled across the back of makeup removal wipes and even a tissue or two, I'm still not certain if my daughter had previously used them, but I was desperate.   If a love scene can sound good written on a used Kleenex is should sound brilliant on paper...or so I hope.

I wrote.  It may have been on various forms of paper-like materials, but I wrote.  I'm proud of that.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pen & Paper

I love pen and paper.  Some people get excited about the soaps and travel shampoos in hotels, I get excited over the pens and little scratch pads left by the telephone.  Notes, plots, scenes and lists can be found floating through my house on everything from receipts and cocktail napkins to Moleskein notebooks.  The latter, however, usually leaves me searching for the perfect scene which was hastily shoved into a pocket during dinner out or a trip to the gas station.

Today, once again, my pen met paper and sparks flew.  I sat to write for a few minutes and ended up with an entire chapter.  Perhaps it's the feel of the pen gliding on the paper that encourages the words to flow or perhaps it's the connection I feel to writers of ages past, whatever the reason, today, pen met paper and lived happily ever after.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This Blog

When I started this blog I wanted it to focus on my writing, from what inspires me to what drives me crazy.   The past day I have reevaluated my goals and came to the conclusion that my desire remains the same. I need a home for my craft.  It may take me a while to turn these template pages into something of my own, but it will be done.

Each week I will set goals for myself.  Feasible goals which will vary, depending on the levels of mayhem in my life.  One goal which remain the same is to write every day.  It may be five sentences, it may be several chapters, the point is to write...EVERY DAY.

There will also be posts about books I am reading or have read.  How can anyone become a good writer if they aren't reading as much as they are writing?  I, for one, need to read the voices of my genre in order to distinguish my own, something I am still working on.

For now, it's time for me to put it away this blog for the night and deal with the characters who are screaming in my head.  I killed a character a few days ago only to discover she was already dead.  (Yes, this was intentional.)  She isn't exactly happy with me at the moment.  

Happy writing!

The Challenge

I have been challenged to write a blog post every day for a minimum of one month.  What have I gotten myself into!  If you look to see how active this blog has been, or hasn't been, you will understand how big of a challenge this is for me.  My name is Kali and I am a neglectful blogger.  This blog, despite my best intentions, petered out quickly when I couldn't come up with anything to say.  No, the sarcastic comments floating around in my head don't count.  As a writer how can I not have something to say?  No idea.  I just don't. My thoughts and opinions are a dime a dozen.  Perhaps it's lack of practice picking out topics from the world around me or walking around with blinders on.  Perhaps I'm scared to really say what I mean or what I feel.  Uh oh!  This isn't going to be me getting in touch with emotions is it?!  Writing fiction is different, trying to think up something to say about everyday life is a challenge.  Little snippets here and there on Facebook or Twitter are usually random thoughts, an entire post...not so much.  What if I take a bunch  of Twitter posts and smoosh them together and call it a blog post?  No?  Damn.

Let the challenge begin!  Creepy Jaws music is playing in my head...