Saturday, June 19, 2010

So Many Ideas...

There have been so many wonderful ideas pouring through my head today, it is such a shame that many of them will be forgotten or left by the wayside when life interfered and prevented me from recording each lovely detail of them all.  The good ones will come back to me, I'm sure if it. But a part of me wonders what happens to the other ideas that flutter away in the blink of an eye, when the phone rings or one of the children calls my name. 

Perhaps it is harsh to say that life has interfered when it is life in the first place that brings me these wonderful ideas.  It might be the way the sunlight catches the the glint of laughter in my daughter's eyes or they sound of my son's laughter resonating through our house.  So many ideas and inspiration and so little time to record it all without missing a precious drop.

Enough of the wistful thinking...My mind is set, I shall think of this over the next few days and see what solution I can come up with for myself since Post-Its have once again failed me.  A mini challenge for the weekend...