Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ROW 80: Check In - "Pearls In the Park & Pizza Crust"

I have a working title!  I know what you're thinking, "THAT is your title? And you're excited about it?"  As a matter of fact, I am!  Okay, so it's quirky and odd, but the story is too, that is what I love about it.

Working title in hand, I've written my hook as well.  It's rough, but it's written.  With my last manuscript I didn't write my hook until I finished the book, in fact, I still change it on a weekly basis.  A friend of mine pointed out I should write my hook and keep it posted by my monitor, so I can see it as I write, always reminding me of the tone I would like for the book.  I like that idea.

As for the meat and bones writing...well, I haven't actually gotten into that much.  The problem lies with my protagonist, she is about to commit herself to being a Savannah socialite rather than the frazzled mother I originally envisioned.  Ultimately it's her story, she knows best.

My mini  goal is to have the first chapter complete by Sunday.  Don't scoff.  The first chapter is hard, trying to find the right tone and properly set things's downright daunting!  Oh, and there is the fact that our house renovations are starting this week.  Don't be surprised if the first chapter finds Ms.Nola-Deen Andrews in the middle of a renovation herself!

Happy Writing!


Monday, April 4, 2011

Day One ROW 80

Today is the first day of A Round of Words in 80 Days (ROW 80).

I'm excited, but a little apprehensive, since my goal is to write something the likes I have never attempted before. My goals are to complete the first draft of "Pearls in the Park and Pizza Crust" as well we continue edits of "Without A Word". I will also update my blog a minimum of twice a week on Wednesdays and Sundays. Let the renovations of my house, editing and writing commence!

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Round of Words in 80 Days

I just found out about ROW 80 and the timing couldn't be better!  Not only does this second round start on April 4th, with time enough to rough plan, yet not freak out about it, but it also coincides with my personal "intended" goals of editing my NaNoWriMo novel and pushing forward with my current work in progress!

I do well with "official" deadlines...self imposed deadlines, not so much.  I wrote a novel in 30 days with the NaNoWriMo and I WILL write another in 80 days.

I need a day to ponder my goals and look ahead at my calendar, then I will post my official goals.

Thank you for telling me about this Alice!