Monday, September 13, 2010

Introducing: Haut Insomniesque

Haut Insomniesque - The highest quality appearance and/or feeling of insomnia.

Example:  Kali was the picture of Haut Insomniesque this morning, her purple dress accentuated the dark circles under her eyes and her hairstyle could only be described as feverishly tousled.  Her days as a mother, and nights of a writer, were catching up to her.

Yes, I am coining a new term.  Don't judge.  I'm working hard on a manuscript and the Writing Fairies I keep company with don't "do" daylight hours well.  Therefore, my look seems to have taken on a life of it's own...Haut Insomniesque, so utterly un-together it astounds the mind.

Time to wander off and design some things...

Friday, September 10, 2010


I've done it.  Kali McCray is officially signed up for the National Novel Writers Month (NaNoWriMo).  To say that I'm excited wouldn't be remotely accurate.  To say, my heart races at the very mention of NaNoWriMo and that I've started sleeping with a pen under my pillow, would be a bit closer.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I like to knit.  Did I ever tell you that?  I like to crochet too.  No, I don't look like a granny.  Don't get me started down that path.

As pleasurable and relaxing as it is to knit, I can't help but feel a certain waste of time around me.  So, today I downloaded six audio-books.  If plunging through books and churning out lovely hand-made items isn't productive then there is something wrong with me.

Too bad I can't write and knit at the same time...