Friday, April 1, 2011

A Round of Words in 80 Days

I just found out about ROW 80 and the timing couldn't be better!  Not only does this second round start on April 4th, with time enough to rough plan, yet not freak out about it, but it also coincides with my personal "intended" goals of editing my NaNoWriMo novel and pushing forward with my current work in progress!

I do well with "official" deadlines...self imposed deadlines, not so much.  I wrote a novel in 30 days with the NaNoWriMo and I WILL write another in 80 days.

I need a day to ponder my goals and look ahead at my calendar, then I will post my official goals.

Thank you for telling me about this Alice!


Alice McElwee said...

No problem! I'm a sponsor for this round of's my job to keep people motivated and put up an inspirational blog post on the ROW site. ;)

I love Kait Nolan (lady behind ROW80). She's an indie author with some pretty cool paranormal romance novellas out. She's @KaitNolan on Twitter..check her out!

Ghenet Myrthil said...

I'm new to ROW80 and really excited about it. My goal is to finish my WIP. Good luck with whichever goals you come up with!